Donaldson, IN – Ancilla College is throwing new lines in the water with a Bass Fishing Club starting in the Fall of 2017 to prepare for the Spring 2018 season.
The college began fielding questions about starting a fishing team last year and the number of both current students and interested applicants continued to increase. Nationally there has been a great deal of interest in the sport and a growing number of collegiate Fishing teams.
The coach for the club will be resident director Adam Calhoun. “This is an exciting opportunity for students. I have been fishing since I was very young and am glad to have been nominated for this position,” said Calhoun.
The team will be using Lake Galbraith, located on the grounds of the Center at Donaldson, home to the Ancilla Chargers. “There is some limited shore fishing on the lake at the moment, which is being reviewed, but boat fishing will allow us to take advantage of the well-stocked lake,” said Calhoun.
At this moment the group will begin as a club with the hope of creating an intercollegiate team the following year. Ancilla is still preparing to participate in team competitions to begin this year. “We won’t participate in all of the events, but there are certain ones on my radar already,” said Calhoun.
Bass fishing is the 20th athletic team created for student-athletes at Ancilla College. The associate degree school, founded in 1937, has expanded academic and athletic offerings over the past three years as enrollment has increased.
Recruiting for the club will begin immediately. The group will be posting on a new Facebook page later this week so tune in for updates.