Penalties Assessed to Girls Basketball Teams from Hammond, 21st Century‐Gary
On December 5, 2018, Hammond High School and 21st Century‐Gary Charter School participated together in a varsity girls’
basketball contest held at 21st Century‐Gary. During this contest, unsportsmanlike acts of conduct were committed by both
schools to the extent where the game did not come to its proper conclusion.
Administrators from both member schools met with IHSAA Commissioner Bobby Cox and Assistant Commissioner Sandra
Walter on December 7, 2018 in Indianapolis to review the incident and discuss corrective measures for the future. The
meeting concluded with the following considerations agreed upon:
1. The IHSAA accepts the school‐imposed suspensions of the girls’ basketball teams for the next two contests on their
respective school schedules. The schools shall notify their opponents of these forfeitures.
2. The contest between 21st Century‐Gary Charter School and Hammond High School on December 5, 2018 shall stand as
a double forfeit as the contest did not arrive at its proper conclusion.
3. Coach and Student Education Components
a) Each basketball coach (paid or voluntary) shall complete the Teaching and Modeling Behavior course found on the website. A coach failing to meet this requirement shall not be allowed to coach in an interscholastic
contest until fulfillment of this mandate.
b) The schools shall produce the certificates of completion for these courses to the Commissioner for inspection.
c) Each student athlete, present at this contest shall complete the Sportsmanship course found on the
website. A student athlete failing to meet this requirement shall be ineligible for any interscholastic participation
until said requirement is fulfilled.
d) The schools shall produce the certificates of completion for these courses to the Commissioner for inspection.
4. Probation – The Hammond High School and 21st Century‐Gary Charter School girls’ basketball programs shall be placed
on probation for the remainder of the 2018‐19 school year. This probation is a severe type of warning. It is official
notice that serious violations have occurred, are a matter of record and future, similar incidents will not be tolerated.
Failure to adhere to the stated by‐laws of this corporation and/or playing rules provided by the IHSAA and the NFHS
may result in additional penalties including but not limited to an entire school suspension of membership from the Indiana
High School Athletic Association, Inc.
Commissioner Cox commends the administrations from both schools for their immediate attention and proactive measures
to correct unacceptable behaviors and their willingness to use this incident as a teachable moment for the young people we
collectively serve.