43 Indiana high school seniors win IBCA scholarships
Crawley, Mannies, Aikman awards announced by statewide coaches group
Forty-two Indiana high school seniors have been presented 2018 scholarship awards from the Indiana Basketball Coaches Association, it was announced Monday (May 14).
The IBCA — a statewide coaches group with about 2,400 members — presents a grant of $750 to each recipient in the names of Marion Crawley, Junior Mannies and Pat Aikman. Through the years, the IBCA has awarded more than $695,000 in scholarships to Indiana students.
“I would like to congratulate you for being selected as a recipient,” IBCA executive director Steve Witty wrote in informing winners of the various selections. “… Thanks for your contributions to Indiana high school basketball, and best of luck as you move on to the college of your choice.”
Lacey Herron of Delta was the only winner of Junior Mannies Scholarship for 2018.
Mannies Scholarships are presented to students who have a physical handicap but have contributed to their respective school’s athletic program. Mannies won 311 games as the boys basketball coach at Elwood, Mississinewa, Delphi and other schools. He served as the IBCA Job Placement Director from 1977-83.
A total of 37 Crawley Scholarships were presented to a variety of boys players (16), girls players (13), student managers/cheerleaders (eight). Criteria for the Crawley Scholarship includes achievement in basketball, achievement in academics, participation in extracurricular activities and service to one’s school and community. A list of the 2018 winners is below.
Crawley was a former four-time boys basketball state championship coach — two with the Washington Hatchets and two with the Lafayette Jeff Bronchos — who amassed 644 career wins. He later became the first executive director of the IBCA.
Four students were chosen as winners of the eighth Pat Aikman Character and Leadership Awards, named for the former Indiana All-Star game director and former IBCA Coordinator of Special Projects. Those winners were Jason Gandhi of Guerin Catholic, Rileigh Johnson of Huntington North, Will Line of Goshen and Carly Miller of Delta.
Criteria for the Aikman Scholarship include achievements and contributions in basketball, scholastic achievement, extra-curricular activities, and service to school and community. Also, those considered for the Aikman Scholarship are students who plan to enter the fields of journalism, sports management, athletic training or physical therapy.
“These are deserving young people who help make coaching a great profession,” Witty said of all the winners.
A list of the 2018 IBCA Scholarship winners is below.
Student, School, Coach, Position
Lacey Herron, Delta, Andy Lewman, manager
Boys Players (16): Student, School, Coach
Christopher Beezhold, Covenant Christian (DeMotte), John Heerema
Brad Delio, NorthWood, Aaron Wolfe
Aaron Hahn, Woodlan, David Randall
Jacob Handley, South Vermillion, Shawn Nevill
Chase Kinsey, Shenandoah, David McCollough
Joe Kirchgassner, East Central, David Disbro
Keontae Lee, Gary West, Christopher Buggs
Calib Lipps, Alexandria, Dean Morehead
Nick Martini, East Central, David Disbro
Travis McGuire, Frankton, Brent Brobston
Justin Persohn, Jasper, John Goebel
Dietrich Sears, Paoli, Dusty Cole
Austin South, Switzerland County, Adam Dennis
Daniel VanKley, Covenant Christian (DeMotte), John Heerema
Hunter Weedin, Salem, Hank Weedin
Maston Wiltermood, South Vermillion, Shawn Nevill
Girls Players (13): Student, School, Coach
Ayla Gray, Northridge, Doug Springer
Alyssa Grzesiowski, Mishawaka Marian, Steve Scott
Lauryn Helton, East Central, Kevin Moore
Brooke Law, Oak Hill, Todd Law
Abigail Manikowski, Argos, Gary Teel
Regan Peppler, Angola, Brandon Appleton
Katelyn Porte, Covenant Christian (DeMotte), Zac Menard
Mackenzie Smith, Speedway, Joe Smith
Maddie Sonnenberg, Bellmont, Andy Heim
Lindsey Sparks, Vincennes Lincoln, Travis Connor
Rebeka (sp) Stroop, Lakeland, Dan Huizenga
Sarah Tedder, Hauser, Brad Hamilton
Chasity Trueblood, Vincennes Lincoln, Travis Connor
Student Managers/Cheerleaders (8): Student, School, Coach
Emily Dalton, manager, Mitchell, Doug Thomas
Tyler Hicks, manager, Roncalli, Michael Wantz
Macy Lynch, manager, Danville, Kaley May
Elaine Marshall, cheerleader, South Vermillion, Jeff McCoy
Wyatt Roberts, manager, Vincennes Lincoln, Josh Thompson
Eric Spears, manager, Milan, Josh Blankinship
Diego Torrejon, manager, Goshen, Michael Wohlford
Jailyn Walters, cheerleader, South Vermillion, Jeff McCoy
Student, School, Coach, Role
Jason Gandhi, Guerin Catholic, Pete Smith, manager
Will Line, Goshen, Michael Wohlford, player
Rileigh Johnson, Huntington North, Heidi Lawson, player
Carly Miller, Delta, Andy Lewman, player